Susanne Neckermann, Dennie van Dolder, Uyanga Turmunkh, and Tong V. Wang (2022) Nudging Student Participation in Online Evaluations of Teaching: Evidence from a Field Experiment. European Economic Review, 141, 104001.
Jason N. Doctor, Peter P. Wakker, and Tong V. Wang (2020) Economists’ Views on the Ergodicity Problem. Nature Physics, 16, 1168.
Zhihua Li, Julia Müller, Peter P. Wakker, and Tong V. Wang (2017) The Rich Domain of Ambiguity Explored. Management Science, 64(7), 3227-3240.
Tong V. Wang, Rogier J.D. Potter van Loon, Martijn J. van den Assem, and Dennie van Dolder (2016) Number Preferences in Lotteries. Judgment and Decision Making, 11(3), 243-259.
Junyi Chai, Chen Li, Peter P. Wakker, Tong V. Wang, and Jingni Yang (2016) Reconciling Savage’s and Luce’s Modeling of Uncertainty: The Best of Both Worlds. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 75, 10-18.